This resulted in a backlash from the MTG community, and WotC has since changed their policy regarding reprinting Reserved List cards as premium foils. Its face card, a foil Phyrexian Negator, is a reprint despite its place on the Reserved List. The Phyrexian deck is one of the more interesting Duel Decks ever printed. the Coalition focused on the conflict between the Phyrexian hordes (pre- infect) and the forces of the Coalition from the Invasion block. The deck only comes to $11 with its Arcanis the Omnipotent foil. Its foil Zurgo Helmsmasher doesn’t even break $1 on the singles market, so this deck comes to about $20. The Speed deck has two money cards: Krenko, Mob Boss and Fury of the Horde. The Jeskai deck is slowed down considerably to make Speed faster than it, so it doesn’t end up playing how actual Jeskai builds of the day played. The Speed deck isn’t very fast at all with only a single 1-drop.

The speedy Mardu ( ) go to battle with the cunning Jeskai ( ) in these 2014 Duel Decks. Cunning showcased two of the fancy new wedge-aligned factions from Khans of Tarkir. Most of its value is in the two copies of Swords to Plowshares and the foil Elspeth, Knight-Errant. Tezzeret the Seeker kicks up the singles price of the blue deck, bringing it to around $35, while the white deck costs around $25. Tezzeret the Seeker is a huge value engine in its deck, getting multiple activations on its mana-generating artifacts and tutoring up response after response to the Elspeth “white weenies” deck. The Tezzeret deck kicks Elspeth, Knight-Errant out of the water in this face-off. Similar to the other planeswalker decks, each list wants to play its feature card quickly and then protect it until it can activate the third ability. had her facing off the nefarious Starscream-wannabe Tezzeret the Seeker on the battlefields of Mirrodin in the midst of the Scars of Mirrodin set. The singles for the Heroes and Monsters decks both come to around $10. Monsters’s low power level is reflected in its price. Together they play an okay match, but both were clearly intended to be upgraded with cards from the Theros block. The Gruul ( ) Monsters deck plays a straight-up aggro game and doesn’t deviate from this strategy. The Boros ( ) Heroes deck is built like an almost-serviceable weenies deck, but it lacks the focus needed to stick to much of a strategy. It also featured six preview cards from Theros, making it the first opportunity many had to play with the set. Monsters was released alongside the original Theros set and featured Sun Titan facing off against Polukranos, World Eater. In that same vein, were they fun? Did the two decks play a good match against each other, or was one ridiculously outmatched by the other? #22. How well designed were the decks? Did they work as an introductory product, and did they hint at the strategies players would use later in their career? For example, did the goblins deck effectively demonstrate what a typical red aggro deck plays like? How much are the singles worth? Each release had at least one desirable “money card,” and some were more desirable than others. Duel Decks Rankingsīut which Duel Decks box is the best? Let’s take a few things into consideration. They were a last remnant of that low-powered kitchen-table Magic that many of us used when learning to play.

They weren’t necessarily built with any format in mind but would often feature the characters from Magic’s current storyline.
The Duel Decks series were primarily casual products. The elf deck runs Ambush Commander as the heel to the goblins deck’s Siege-Gang Commander, a Heedless One is paralleled by a Reckless One, etc. Goblins features two iconic tribes with many parallel cards. Liliana) were reprinted in the Duel Decks Anthology in 2014.Įach pair of decks showcased a classic rivalry from Magic’s lore. The Duel Decks originally alternated releases between faction-based duel decks and planeswalker decks, but this was abandoned in 2012 with the release of Venser vs.

Most contained a set of relevant tokens, a “learn to play” guide, and a strategy insert. Each contained two 60-card decks with a single foil “face” card in each deck. The series of 22 Duel Decks released from 2007 to 2018 were sealed theme decks sold in pairs specifically built to play against each other. Blue Elemental Blast ( Signature Spellbook) | Illustration by Slawomir Maniak