Articles have been written about this stuff which explain what happened (from a certain point of view) and why it's important much better than a bulleted list can. Perhaps we will find out more tomorrow when The Mittani goes on the air with The Meta Show on the TMC Twitch channel. Coup Days At the start of April 2015 Brave Collective underwent one of the most famous coup d'etats in Eve history. So what is the thinking of the Imperium leadership? The obvious answer is that The Mittani and the Imperium leadership team want to make SMA look a little more capable than they really are. Articles have been written about this stuff which explain what happened (from a certain point of view) and why its important much better than a bulleted list can. TCU up in the system? I thought the whole purpose of phase one was to erase Pandemic Horde. Coup Days At the start of April 2015 Brave Collective underwent one of the most famous coup detats in Eve history.

The Goons would take the station while SMA would clean up Pandemic Horde's other sovereignty structures. In the case of W-4NUU, that seemed like a division of effort between allies. The GSF owns two stations but is allowing others to plant Territorial Claim Units in those systems. The review of station ownership brings up a second interesting point. The fifth outpost in the war zone, in TN-T7T, is currently in freeport status. At the same time, PAPI Subcap FCs order their subcaps to fix bayonets and charge. Goons drop 14 dreads on our 6 dreads, TEST escalates with 50 dreads and other PAPI dreads get ready to come in. Goons start rage forming dreads and supers so PAPI do the same. Querious Meanwhile, in Catch, the former Brave capital system fell. TEST escalates with 6 dreads and with the combined subcap + dread DPS start killing FAX. They took two ihubs away from the Imperium and planted 17 more in systems that were otherwise empty, so the map of the region looks solidly Brave and Severance. At this point, I don't know who reinforced the SpaceMonkey's Alliance outpost in O-ZXUV. In Querious Brave went on something of an ihub spree. In return, Brave has not attempted to interfere with Goonswarm Federation's ownership of the outposts in W-4NUU and O-IVNH. Embark on a new and exciting adventure that is about to begin in Grand Gaia. One interesting observation is that except for the first day of the conflict, the Imperium has left the Brave capital system of YI-8ZM alone. A sovereignty fight is apparently going on, with both sides reinforcing each other's structures. BRAVE likes any kind of fun, even if that means flying. It was also a good thing to remove my API keys i still had set up for goonAuth at the time. In Cloud Ring, I don't know the status of Brave Collective's relationship with the Imperium. As a former BNI/BNI/BNI/Maybe if I come back Goon, I'm not even mad. confirming, removed my shit from Brave Auth due to API shit being dunked.